Departamentul Fizica Moleculară şi Biomoleculară este o entitate de cercetare științifică (fundamentală și aplicativă) multidisciplinară în domeniul fizicii și tehnologiei sistemelor moleculare și biomoleculare. Departamentul dispune de echipamente CDI dintre cele mai moderne și performante precum și de personal de cercetare înalt calificat. Misiunea Departamentului vizează activități CDI destinate creșterii economice durabile, precum și dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii moleculare cu aplicaţii în domeniile medicinei, bioeconomiei, ecotechnologiilor și bionanotechnologiilor emergente. În cadrul departamentului activează trei echipe de cercetare:
Sisteme Moleculare şi Biomoleculare Complexe – Lider de echipă: Dr. Xenia Claudia FILIP
Echipa Sisteme Moleculare și Biomoleculare Complexe dezvoltă tematici CDI proprii și asigură suport de specialitate în colaborări cu alte grupuri, prin activități care vizează sinteza / caracterizarea de sisteme / materiale de interes pentru: sănătate, industria farmaceutică și a suplimentelor alimentare, materiale avansate, biotehnologii, biologie structurală, biomimetică.
Tehnologii Moleculare şi Biomoleculare – Lider de echipă: Dr. Ioan TURCU
Echipa Tehnologii Moleculare și Biomoleculare este implicată în cercetări avansate care explorează și dezvoltă noi sisteme micro/nanostructurate destinate tehnologiilor emergente, aplicaţiilor teranostice biomedicale, biomimeticii, senzorilor moleculari și biomoleculari, electronicii moleculare etc.
Procese Induse cu Laser – Lider de echipă: Dr. Cosmin FARCĂU
Echipa de cercetare Procese Induse cu Laser dezvoltă cercetări teoretice şi experimentale legate de procesele fizico-chimice induse de radiația electromagnetică coerentă în interacție cu sisteme atomice, moleculare și biologice.
Micro / Nano Fabricare
- Camera albă
- Echipament de epitaxie moleculară
- Echipament de tip DipPenNanolitography – scriere cu “cerneluri moleculare”
- Sistem de depunere filme subţiri de tip Spin Coater
- Instalaţie de depunere straturi subţiri de carbon / metale prin pulverizare (sputtering)
Screening de noi forme solide
- Zinsser Crissy Light XL – platforma de cristalizare paralelă la scală mică
- Eyela – sintetizor organic de laborator / platforma de cristalizare paralelă la scală mare
- pION mDISS – echipament pentru înregistarea profilelor de disoluţie
- Bruker Avance D8 – difractometru de raze X pe pulberi / accesorii
- Oxford Diffraction Supernova – difractometru de raze X pe monocristale

Microscopie de scanare a suprafeţelor

Optica UV-Vis şi IR

Spectroscopie RMN


Sistem Laser Femtosecunde
- Laser Femtosecunde: emisie la 1030 nm, durata puls <200 fs, putere 6W@80kHz
- Amplificator Optic Parametric cu emisie acordabila (210-2600 nm), 120-200 fs
- NOPA – Amplificator Necoliniar, emisie intre 500-900 nm, durata ~30-50 fs
- Modul pentru generarea armonicilor – II (515 nm),III (310 nm), si IV (285 nm)
Spectrometru de Absorbție (Harpia)
- măsoară absorbția rezolvată în timp după excitarea probei cu un puls laser; domeniu spectral: 240-2600nm; rata de achiziție: 1-2000Hz
Spectrometru de Fluorescență (Chimera)
- măsoară fluorescența rezolvată în timp după excitarea probei cu un puls laser; Upconversion Fluorescence, rezoluție temporală ~ 300 fs, domeniu spectral: 400-1600nm; Detector TCSPC (Time Correlated Single Photon Counting) rezoluție temporală >150ps
Microscop inversat Olympus IX71
- multiple porturi optice pentru camera, iluminare cu laser și lumina fluorescentă
- mărire totală la observarea directă până la 1600x
- fototub trinocular cu prisma de alunecare și lentila Bertrand
- camera HR-CCD color/alb-negru până la 12.8 Mpixel
- metode de observare: câmp luminos, DIC şi în lumina polarizată
- rezoluție de 1 micron și sub-micron
- cuplat cu sistem de nanopositionare pentru litografie laser și microscopie optică
Sistem piezo pentru nanopoziționare XYZ
- masa piezo: cursa pe XYZ de până la 200 microni
- rezoluție tipică de 1 nm (bucla închisă)
- apertura mare pentru lamele de 1″x3″ sau cutii Petri
Echipament de epitaxie moleculară
- Echipamentul ofera posibilitatea depunerii în vid înaintat, prin tehnica de epitaxie moleculară, a straturilor subțiri din diverse materiale, cum ar fi: metale, semiconductori, oxizi, molecule organice
Microscop de scanare prin efect tunel (STM – Scanning Tunneling Microscope)
- Echipamentul este destinat obținerii de imagini cu rezoluție atomică prin tehnici de microscopie prin efect tunel (STM) precum și microscopie de forță atomică (AFM) de tip “tuning fork” și cu cantilever, la temperaturi variabile între 50 K și 650 K, în condiții de vid ultra înalt (UHV)
Articole ISI publicate în 2018-2022 |
Balla, Ancuţa | Szücs-Balázs, József-Zsolt | Marcu, Cristina | Borodi, Gheorghe. Investigation of carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation process for converting 13CO to 13CO2. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2022, 21, 9, 1601-1608. |
Bende, Attila | Farcaș, Alex-Adrian | Fălămaș Alexandra | Petran, Anca. New insight into catechol photochemistry: the role of different monomer and dimer configurations in radiation-less decay of the S1 electronic excited state. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24(47), 29165 - 29175. |
Bende, Attila | Gaele, Maria F. | Di Palma, Tonia M.. Photoionization, Structures, and Energetics of Na-Doped Formic Acid–Water Clusters. ChemPhysChem, 2022, 23, e202100861. |
Bende, Attila | Farcaş, Alex-Adrian | Toşa, Valer. Theoretical Study of Light-Induced Crosslinking Reaction Between Pyrimidine DNA Bases and Aromatic Amino Acids. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022, 9:806415. |
Blidar, Adrian | Hosu, Oana | Feier, Bogdan | Ştefan, Geanina | Bogdan, Diana | Cristea, Cecilia. Gold-based nanostructured platforms for oxytetracycline detection from milk by a “signal-on” aptasensing approach. Food Chemistry 2022, 371, 131127. |
Bogdan, D. | Grosu, I.G. | Filip, C.. How thick, uniform and smooth are the polydopamine coating layers obtained under different oxidation conditions? An in-depth AFM study. Applied Surface Science 2022, 597, 153680. |
Brezeștean, Ioana Andreea | Gherman, Ana Maria Raluca | Colniță, Alia | Dina, Nicoleta Elena | Müller Molnár, Csilla | Marconi, Daniel | Chis, Vasile | David, Ioan-Leontin | Cîntă-Pînzaru, Simona. Detection and Characterization of Nodularin by UsingLabel-Free Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopic Techniques. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23, 1-18. |
Brezeștean, Ioana | Toșa, Nicoleta | Fălămaș, Alexandra | Cuibus, Denisa | Muntean, Cristina | Bende, Attila | Cozar, Bogdan | Groșan, Camelia | Farcău, Cosmin. Silver Nanoparticle Films Obtained by Convective Self-Assembly for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analyses of the Pesticides Thiabendazole and Endosulfan. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2022, 10, 15337-15337. |
Bunge, Alexander | Leoștean, Cristian | Radu, Teodora | Tripon, Septimiu Cassian | Borodi, Gheorghe | Turcu, Rodica. Substituted Poly(Vinylphosphonate) Coatings of Magnetite Nanoparticles and Clusters. Magnetochemistry 2022, 8(8), 79. |
Cadiş, A. I. | Mureșan, L. E. | Perhaița, I. | Pop, L. C. | Saszet, K. | Barbu Tudoran, L. | Borodi, G.. Peculiarities on methyl orange adsorption by porous ZnIn2S4 prepared in different conditions. Journal Nanoparticles Research, 2022, 24:74. |
Căta, Lidia | Grosu, Ioana Georgeta | Miclӑuş, Maria | Hӑdade, Niculina Daniela | Grosu, Ion | Terec, Anamaria. Halogen-bonded supramolecular architectures involving 2,7-dipyridylfluorene and 1,3,5-trifluoro-2,4,6-triiodobenzene tectons – A spectacular evolution from catemers to 2d halogen bond organic frameworks (XBOF). Studia UBB Chemia, LXVII, 2022, 2 (193-203). |
Ciriolo, Anna Gabriella | Martinez Vazquez, Rebeca | Vozzi, Caterina | Toșa, Valer | Stagira, Salvatore et al. Microfluidic devices for quasi-phase-matching in high-order harmonic generation. APL Photonics, 2022, 7, 110801. |
Colniţă, Alia | Marconi, Daniel | Dina, Nicoleta Elena | Brezeștean, Ioana | Bogdan, Diana | Turcu, Ioan. 3D silver metallized nanotrenches fabricated by nanoimprint lithography as flexible SERS detection platform. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2022, 276, 121232. |
Cristea, Adorjan | Pustan, Marius | Birleanu, Corina | Dudescu, Cristian | Floare, Călin Gabriel | Tripon, Andreea-Melisa | Banciu, Horia Leonard. Mechanical Evaluation of Solvent Casted Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) Films Derived from the Storage Polyesters Produced by Halomonas elongata DSM 2581(T). Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2022, 30, 424. |
Csapai, A. | Toc, D.A. | Popa, F. | Toșa, N. | Pascalau, V. | Costache, C. | Botan, A. | Popa, C.O.. 3D Printed Microfluidic Bioreactors Used for the Preferential Growth of Bacterial Biofilms through Dielectrophoresis. Micromachines, 2022, 13(9), 1377, 1-15. |
Dădârlat, Dorin | Tripon, Carmen | White, I.R. | Korte, D.. Photopyroelectric spectroscopy and calorimetry. Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132, 191101. |
Dina, N. E. | Muntean, C. M. | Bratu, I. | Tican, A. | Halmagyi, A. | Purcaru, M.A.P. | Coste, A.. Structure and surface dynamics of genomic DNA as probed with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: Trace level sensing of nucleic acids extracted from plants. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2022, 279, 121477, 1-7. |
Dippong, Thomas | Lazăr, Mihaela Diana | Deac, Iosif Grigore | Palade, Petru | Petean, Ioan | Borodi, Gheorghe | Cadar, Oana. The effect of cation distribution and heat treatment temperature on the structural, surface, morphological and magnetic properties of MnxCo1−xFe2O4@SiO2 nanocomposites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 895, 162715. |
Farcas, Alexandra | Janosi, Lorant | Astilean, Simion. Size and surface coverage density are major factors in determining thiol modified gold nanoparticles characteristics. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2022, 1209, 113581. |
Farcău, Cosmin. Silver film over nanospheres (AgFoN) as tri-modal plasmonic sensing platform for Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy, Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, and Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022, 1250, 131583. |
Faur, C.I.| Fălămaș, A.| Chirila, M.| Roman, R.C.| Rotaru, H.| Moldovan, M.A.| Albu, S.| Baciut, M.| Robu, I.| Hedesiu, M.. Raman spectroscopy in oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer: a systematic review. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2022, 51, 11, 1373-1381. |
Fălămaș, Alexandra | Petran, Anca | Hada, Alexandru-Milentie | Bende, Attila. Dopamine Photochemical Behaviour under UV Irradiation. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2022, 23, 5483. |
Fălămaș, A | Marica, I | Popa, A | Toloman, D | Pruneanu, S | Pogăcean, F | Nekvapil, F. | Silipaș, TD | Ștefan, M. Size-dependent spectroscopic insight into the steady-state and time-resolved optical properties of ZnO photocatalysts. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022, 145, 106644. |
Floare, Călin G. | Bogdan, Mircea | Tomoaia-Cotișel, Maria | Aurora Mocanu. 1H NMR spectroscopic characterization of inclusion complex of Desferrioxamine B chelator and β-Cyclodextrin. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022, 1248, 131477. |
Ganea, Iolanda-Veronica | Nan, Alexandrina | Roba, Carmen | Neamțiu, Iulia | Gurzău, Eugen | Turcu, Rodica | Filip, Xenia | Baciu, Călin. Development of a New Eco-Friendly Copolymer Based on Chitosan for Enhanced Removal of Pb and Cd from Water. Polymers, 2022, 14(18), 3735. |
Gherman, Ana Maria Raluca | Dina, Nicoleta Elena | Chiș, Vasile. Cheminformatics study on structural and bactericidal activity of latest generation β-lactams on widespread pathogens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23, 12685. |
Grosu, Ioana Georgeta | Martin, Flavia | Turza, Alexandru | Miclăuș, Maria | Kacsó, Irina | Borodi, Gheorghe. Structural studies of various olmesartan solvate. Acta Crystallographica C, 2022, C78, 240-249. |
Handrea-Dragan, Iuliana M. | Botiz, Ioan | Tatar, Andra-Sorina | Boca, Sanda. Patterning at the micro/nano-scale: Polymeric scaffolds for medical diagnostic and cell-surface interaction applications. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022, 218, 112730. |
Handrea-Dragan, I. M. | Vulpoi, A. | Farcău, C. | Botiz, I.. Spheres-in-Grating Assemblies with Altered Photoluminescence and Wetting Properties. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 1084. |
Hangan, Adriana | Turza, Alexandru | Lucaciu, Roxana | Sevastre, Bogdan | Páll, Emőke | Oprean, Luminița | Borodi, Gheorghe. New Cu+2 Complexes with N-Sulfonamide Ligands: Potential Antitumor, Antibacterial, and Antioxidant Agents. Molecules 2022, 27, 3338. |
Lar, Claudia | Radu, Stelian | Gál, Emese | Fălămaş, Alexandra | Szücs-Balázs, József-Zsolt | Filip, Claudiu | Petran Anca. Novel Synthetic Dopamine Analogues: Carbon-13/Nitrogen-15 Isotopic Labeling and Fluorescence Properties. Analytical Letters, 2022, 56, 2, 170-182. |
Liu, Xuelian | Wang, Jiande | Du, Mengyuan | Robeyns, Koen | Filinchuk, Yaroslav | Zhu, Qi | Kumar, Varun | Garcia, Yann | Borodi, Gheorghe | Morari, Cristian | Gohy, Jean-Francois | Vlad, Alexandru. New Cathode Materials in the Fe-PO4-F Chemical Space for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Storage. Advanced Science, 2022, 9, 22, 2200924. |
Marica, Ioana | Nekvapil, Fran | Ștefan, Maria | Farcău, Cosmin | Fălămaș, Alexandra. Zinc oxide nanostructures for fluorescence and Raman signal enhancement: a review. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2022, 13, 472-490. |
Melinte, Gheorghe | Hosu, Oana | Ștefan, Geanina | Bogdan, Diana | Cristea, Cecilia | Marrazza, Giovanna. Poly-L-Lysine@gold nanostructured hybrid platform for Lysozyme aptamer sandwich-based detection. Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 403, 139718. |
Mic, Mihaela | Pîrnău, Adrian | Floare, Călin G. | Borlan, Raluca | Focsan, Monica | Oniga, Ovidiu | Bogdan, Mircea | Vlase, Laurian | Oniga, Ilioara | Marc, Gabriel. Antioxidant Activity Evaluation and Assessment of the Binding Affinity to HSA of a New Catechol Hydrazinyl-Thiazole Derivative. Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 1245, 1 – 22. |
Moldovan, R. | Vereshchagina, E. | Milenko, K. | Iacob, B.-C. | Bodoki, A. E. | Fǎlǎmaş, A. | Toşa, N. | Muntean, C. M. | Farcău, C. | Bodoki, E.. Review on combining surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and electrochemistry for analytical applications. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022, 1209, 339250, 1-25. |
Mureşan, L. E. | Perhaița, I. | Saroşi, C. | Barbu Tudoran, L. | Borodi, G.. Effect of Cu2+ on the optical properties of zinc hydroxy-carbonate phosphors prepared in different synthesis conditions. Chemical Papers 2022,6, 3817-3828. |
Nekvapil, F. | Ștefan, M. | Marica, I. | Fălămaș, A.. A novel observation upon the near-resonant Raman excitation of zinc oxide nanoparticles: Widening of the E-2(high) band. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2022, 53: 872-879. |
Nekvapil, F. | Brezeștean, I. | Lazar, G. | Firta, C. | Cinta Pinzaru, S.. Resonance Raman and SERRS of fucoxanthin: Prospects for carotenoid quantification in live diatom cells. Journal of Molecular Structure 2022, 1250: 131608. |
Pele, Raluca | Marc, Gabriel | Stana, Anca | Ionut, Ioana | Nastasa, Cristina | Tiperciuc, Brîndusa | Oniga, Ilioara | Pîrnău, Adrian | Vlase, Laurian | Oniga, Ovidiu. Synthesis of New Phenolic Derivatives of Quinazolin-4(3H)-One as Potential Antioxidant Agents—In Vitro Evaluation and Quantum Studies. Molecules, 2022, 27, 2599, 1- 22. |
Petean, Ioan | Paltinean, Gertrud Alexandra | Pripon, Emanoil | Borodi, Gheorghe | Tudoran, Lucian Barbu. Silver Depreciation in 3-Polker Coins Issued during 1619–1627 by Sigismund III Vasa King of Poland. Materials, 2022, 15, 7514. |
Rácz, L. | Rácz, Cs.-P. | Horovitz, O. | Tomoaia, G. | Mocanu, Aurora | Kacsó, Irina | Sarkozi, Melinda | Dan, Monica | Porav, S. | Borodi, G. | Tomoaia-Cotișel, Maria. Complexation of curcumin using whey proteins to enhance aqueous solubility, stability and antioxidant property. Studia UBB Chemia, 2022, LXVII, 3, 75-99. |
Simion, Andrea | Schubeis, Tobias | Le Marchand, Tanguy | Vasilescu, Mihai | Pintacuda, Guido | Lesage, Anne | Filip, Claudiu. Heteronuclear decoupling with rotor-synchronized phase-alternated cycles. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2022, 157, 014202. |
Simion, Andrea | Pîrnău, Adrian | Turcu, Flaviu R.V. | Vulpoi, Adriana | Todea, Milica | Potara, Monica | Vasilescu, Mihai. Stratified diffusion of HOD-D2O inside COOH- and NH2 -functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes studied by NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022, 1249, 131653, 1 - 6. |
Simion, A. | Vasilescu, M. | Filip, C. | Todea, M. | Mureșan-Pop, M. | Simon, S.. Structural characterization of interfaces in silica core-alumina shell microspheres by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 2022, 117, 101773. |
Stăncioiu, Laurențiu | Gherman, Ana Maria Raluca | Brezeștean, Ioana | Dina, Nicoleta Elena. Vibrational spectral analysis of Sorafenib and its molecular docking study compared to other TKIs. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022, 1248, 131507. |
Stegarescu, Adina | Cabrera, Humberto | Budasheva, Hanna | Soran, Maria-Loredana | Lung, Ildiko | Limosani, Francesca | Korte, Dorota | Amati, Matteo | Borodi, Gheorghe | Kacsó, Irina | Opriș, Ocsana | Dan, Monica | Bellucci, Stefano. Synthesis and Characterization of MWCNT-COOH/Fe3O4 and CNT-COOH/Fe3O4/NiO Nanocomposites: Assessment of Adsorption and Photocatalytic Performance. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 3008. |
Stegarescu, Adina | Lung, Ildiko | Ciorîță, Alexandra | Kacsó, Irina | Opriș, Ocsana | Soran, Maria-Loredana | Soran, Albert. The Antibacterial Properties of Nanocomposites Based on Carbon Nanotubes and Metal Oxides Functionalized with Azithromycin and Ciprofloxacin. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 4115 (1-12). |
Stoica, Anca D. | Toma, Vlad Alexandru | Roman, Ioana | Sevastre, Bogdan | Scurtu, Florina | Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Radu. Glutaraldehyde-polymerized hemerythrin: evaluation of performance as an oxygen carrier in hemorrhage models. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, 2022, 2209101, 6. |
Szukowska, M. | Popenda, L. | Coy, E. | Filip, C. | Grajewski, J. | Kempiński, M. |Kim, Y. | Mrówczyński, R.. Replacing amine by azide: dopamine azide polymerization triggered by sodium periodate. Polymer Chemistry, 2022, 13, 3325-3334. |
Tarcan, R. | Handrea-Dragan, M. | Leordean, C.-I. | Cioban, R. C. | Kiss, Z. | Zaharie-Butucel, D. | Farcău, C. | Vulpoi, A. | Simon, S. | Botiz, I.. Development of PMMA/RGO Composite Films as Thermal Interface Materials. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022, 139, e53238. |
Tatar, A.-S. | Farcău, C. | Vulpoi, A. | Boca, S. | Astilean, S.. Development and evaluation of a gold nanourchin (GNU)-based sandwich architecture for SERS immunosensing in liquid. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 2022, 273, 121069. |
Toc, D.A. | Csapai, A. | Popa, F. | Popa, C. | Pascalau, V. | Toșa, N. | Botan, A. | Mihaila, R.M. | Costache, C.A. | Colosi, I.A. | Junie, L.M.. Easy and Affordable: A New Method for the Studying of Bacterial Biofilm Formation. Cells, 2022, 11(24), 4119, 1-15. |
Turza, Alexandru | Borodi, Gheorghe | Mureșan-Pop, Marieta | Ulici, Adelina. Polymorphism and β-cyclodextrin complexation of methyldrostanolone. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022, 1250, 131852. |
Turza, Alexandru | Ulici, Adelina | Mureșan-Pop, Marieta | Borodi, Gheorghe. Solid forms and β-cyclodextrin complexation of turinabol. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry, 2022, C78, 305–313. |
Turza, Alexandru | Popescu, Violeta | Mare, Liviu | Borodi, Gheorghe. Structural Aspects and Intermolecular Energy for Some Short Testosterone Esters. Materials 2022, 15, 7245. |
Turza, Alexandru | Borodi, Gheorghe | Pop, Aurel | David, Maria. Structural studies of some androstane based prodrugs. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022, 1248, 131440. |
Uriciuc, Willi Andrei | Boșca, Adina Bianca | Băbțan, Anida-Maria | Vermeșan, Horațiu | Cristea, Cecilia | Tertiș, Mihaela | Pășcuță, Petru | Borodi, Gheorghe | Suciu, Maria | Barbu-Tudoran, Lucian | Popa, Cătălin Ovidiu | Ilea, Aranka. Study on the Surface of Cobalt-Chromium Dental Alloys and Their Behavior in Oral Cavity as Cast Materials. Materials, 2022, 15, 9, 3052. |
Anghel, C. C. | Stroia, I. | Pop, A. | Bende, A. | Grosu, I. | Hădade, N. D. | Roncali, J.. An attempt to synthesize a terthienyl-based analog of indacenedithiophene (IDT): unexpected synthesis of a naphtho[2,3-b]thiophene derivative. RSC Advances, 2021m 11, 9894–9900. |
Baricz, Andreea | Levei, Erika | Senila, Marin | Cinta Pinzaru, Simona | Aluas, Mihaela | Vulpoi, Adriana | Filip, Claudiu | Tripon, Carmen | Dadarlat, Dorin | Buda, Doriana | Dulf, Francisc | Pintea, Adela | Cristea, Adorjan | Muntean, Vasile | Keresztes, Zsolt | Alexe, Mircea | Banciu, Horia Leonard. Comprehensive mineralogical and physicochemical characterization of recent sapropels from Romanian saline lakes for potential use in pelotherapy. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 18633. |
Bende, Attila. The full mapping of low-lying excited state relaxation dynamic pathways for acetophenone. Studia UBB Chemia, 2021, LXVI, 3, 239-253. |
Bogdan, Alexandra | Szolga, Lorant | Giurgi, Gavril-Ionel | Crișan, Andreea Petronela | Bogdan, Diana | Hadsadee, Sarinya | Jungsuttiwong, Siriporn | Po, Riccardo | Grosu, Ion | Roncali, Jean. Structure-properties relationships in triarylamine-based push-pull systems-C60 dyads as active material for single-material organic solar cells. Dyes and Pigments, 2021, 184, 108845. |
Brătfălean, RT | Cozar, BI | Nuț, C. Thermally Structured Gold Films for SERS Substrates-Patterns With and Without Solidstate Dewetting. Plasmonics, 2021, 16(3), 891-903. |
Brezeștean, Ioana | Bocăneală, Maricel | Gherman, Ana Maria Raluca | Porav, Sebastian Alin | Kacso, Irina | Rakosy-Tican, Elena | Dina, Nicoleta Elena. Spectroscopic investigation of exopolysaccharides purified from Arthrospira platensis cultures as potential bioresources. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2021, 1246, 131228, 1-7. |
Calborean, Adrian | Colniță, Alia | Grosu, Ioana | Brezeștean, Ioana | Pașca, Roxana-Diana | Barbu-Tudoran, Lucian | Marconi, Daniel. The adhesion of L-methionine amino acid through Dip Pen Nanolithography on silver thin films grown by Molecular Bean Epitaxy technique. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2021 1244, 131247. |
Cenariu, Diana | Fischer-Fodor, Eva | Țigu, Adrian Bogdan | Bunea, Andrea | Virág, Piroska | Perde-Schrepler, Maria | Toma, Vlad-Alexandru | Mocan, Andrei | Berindan Neagoe, Ioana | Pintea, Adela | Crișan, Gianina | Cenariu, Mihai | Maniu, Alma. Zeaxanthin-rich extract from superfood Lycium barbarum selectively modulates the cellular adhesion and MAPK signaling in melanoma versus normal skin cells in vitro. Molecules, 2021, 26(2), 333. |
Ciorîță, Alexandra | Zăgrean-Tuza, Cezara | Moț, Augustin C | Carpa, Rahela | Pârvu, Marcel. The Phytochemical Analysis of Vinca L. Species Leaf Extracts Is Correlated with the Antioxidant, Antibacterial, and Antitumor Effects. Molecules, 2021, 26, 3040. |
Colnita, Alia | Marconi, Daniel | Brezestean, Ioana | Pasca, Roxana-Diana | Kacso, Irina | Barbu Tudoran, Lucian | Turcu, Ioan. High-Throughput Fabrication of Anti-Counterfeiting Nanopillar-Based Quick Response (QR) Codes Using Nanoimprint Lithography. Analytical Letters, 2021, 54, 1–2, 302–313. |
Csizmadia, T | Oldal, LG | Ye, P | Majorosi, S | Tzallas, P | Sansone, G | Tosa, V | Varju, K | Major, B | Kahaly, S. Detailed study of quantum path interferences in high harmonic generation driven by chirped laser pulses. New Journal of Physics, 2021, 23, 123012. |
Dan, M. | Mihet, M. | Borodi, G. | Lazar, M.D.. Combined steam and dry reforming of methane for syngas production from biogas using bimodal pore catalysts. Catalysis Today, 366, 2021, 87-96. |
Dan, Monica | Vulcu, Adriana | Porav, Alin Sebastian | Leostean, Cristian | Borodi, Gheorghe | Cadar, Oana | Berghian-Grosan, Camelia. Eco-Friendly Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Preparation and Design for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Molecules, 2021, 26, 3858. |
Danescu, Sorina | Filip, Gabriela Adriana | Moldovan, Remus | Olteanu, Diana | Nagy, Andras | Filip, Xenia | Martin, Flavia | Kacso, Irina | Baldea, Ioana. Ketoconazole-p aminobenzoic cocrystal, an improved antimycotic drug formulation, does not induce skin sensitization on the skin of BALBc mice. Inflammopharmacology, 2021, 29(3), 721-733. |
Dina, N.E. | Gherman, A.M.R. | Colniță, A. | Marconi, D. | Sîrbu, C.. Fuzzy characterization and classification of bacteria species detected at single-cell level by surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Spectrochimica Acta A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021, 247, 119149. |
Dinu Gugoasa | Livia Alexandra | Pogacean, Florina | Kurbanoglu, Sevinc | Barbu Tudoran, Lucian | Serban, Andreea Bianca | Kacso, Irina | Pruneanu, Stela. Graphene-Gold Nanoparticles Nanozyme-Based Electrochemical Sensor with Enhanced Laccase-Like Activity for Determination of Phenolic Substrates. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 168 067523. |
Dionisie, Vlad | Ciobanu, Adela Magdalena | Toma, Vlad Alexandru | Manea, Mihnea Costin | Baldea, Ioana | Olteanu, Diana | Sevastre-Berghian, Alexandra | Clichici, Simona | Manea, Mirela | Riga, Sorin | Filip, Gabriela Adriana. Escitalopram Targets Oxidative Stress, Caspase-3, BDNF and MeCP2 in the Hippocampus and Frontal Cortex of a Rat Model of Depression Induced by Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22 (14), 7483. |
Dippong, Thomas | Deac, Iosif Grigore | Lazar, Mihaela Diana | Petean, Ioan | Levei, Erika Andrea | Borodi, Gheorghe | Cadar, Oana. Effect of heat-treatment temperature and zinc addition on magnetostructural and surface properties of manganese nanoferrite prepared by an ecofriendly sol-gel synthesis. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2021, 15, 6528-6540. |
Dippong, Thomas | Levei, Erika Andrea | Deac, Iosif Grigore | Petean, Ioan | Borodi, Gheorghe | Cadar, Oana. Sol-Gel Synthesis, Structure, Morphology and Magnetic Properties of Ni0.6Mn0.4Fe2O4 Nanoparticles Embedded in SiO2 Matrix. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 3455. |
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Kacso, Irina | Rus, Lucia Maria | Martin, Flavia | Miclaus, Maria | Filip, Xenia | Dan, Monica. Solid-state compatibility studies of Ketoconazole-Fumaric acid co-crystal with tablet excipients. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021, 143, 3499–3506. |
Lung, Ildiko | Soran, Maria-Loredana | Stegarescu, Adina | Opris, Ocsana | Gutoiu, Simona | Leostean, Cristian | Lazar, Mihaela Diana | Kacso, Irina | Silipas, Teofil-Danut | Porav, Alin Sebastian. Evaluation of CNT-COOH/MnO2/Fe3O4 nanocomposite for ibuprofen and paracetamol removal from aqueous solutions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403, 123528. |
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